četvrtak, 22.12.2011.

Frisbee Beyond Borders: Ultimate frizbi radionica u Bujama

Četiri različite škole, osam nastavnika i preko tridesetak djece bilo je uključeno u ultimate frizbi radionicu u Bujama. Vjerujem kako su svi bili zadovoljni. Na kraju je puno djece iskazalo interes za ponovnom igrom ultimate.

Vjerujem kako će im nastavnici izaći u susret jer smo im kroz projekt „Frisbee beyond Borders“ osigurali uz raznu ultimate literaturu i leteće diskove za igru.

Nakon bujske priče i prezentacije u školi otvaraju nam se vrata da predstavimo ultimate svim nastavnicama Istarske županije. Sljedeće godine imati ćemo više informacija o tome.

Evo par slika sa radionice:

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Ultimate: fair play i natjecateljstvo spojeno u jednom!

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Kako baciti taj forhend?

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Vjezbanje bacanja

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Ovako se baca!

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Igra je pocela

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Cure i dečki igraju zajedno.

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Djeca su nastavila na igrom i nakon završetka radionice.

Za kraj bi se zahvalio još jednom Veleposlanstvu Sjedinjenih Država što su podržali projekt „Frisbee Beyond Borders“. Udruzi ZiiD hvala što su se ponovo iskazali kao susretljiv partner na kojeg uvijek možemo računati u organizaciji/promociji ultimatea. Također zahvala profesoru Vinko Krička, što je osigurao veliki broj nastavnika i đaka.

Kroz projekt „Frisbee Beyond Borders“ u sljedećoj godine očekuju nas još dvije frizbi radionice. Do tada želim vam sve najbolje!

Ognjen Livada

- 13:01 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 08.12.2011.

Frisbee Beyond Borders: Ultimate frizbi radionica u Vrbici

Frizbi radionica u Vrbici je bila odlična. Radionicu smo održali za članove udruge Ne-ovisnost, udrugu za borbu protiv ovisnosti.Hladno vrijeme i debela magla nisu omeli veseli frizbi duh koji je polako ali nesmiljeno ulazio u polaznike radionice.

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U opuštenoj atmosferi krenuli smo sa predavanjem. Momci i jedna djevojka pozorno su slušali i ubrzo savladali teoretski dio igre. Odlučili smo krenuti na igralište i stečeno znanje isprobati u praksi.

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Na igralištu je bilo prohladno. Da ne kažem hladno (meni se smrznuli prsti). Malo smo ih razgibali, pokazali im osnovna bacanja i nedugo zatim bacili ih u igru.

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Sastavili smo 4 tima i napravili mali turnir. Svatko je igrao sa svakim.

Bilo je puno trke. Truda. Veselja. I golova. Na kraju svake igre sve nesuglasice, pohvale i zafrkancija se podijelila unutar kruga.

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Kvaliteta igre je vidno rasla svake minute. Na kraju su se timovi odlično organizirali i pokazali zavidnu taktičnost.

Tko je pobjedio?

Naravno- FAIR PLAY!

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Hvala Veleposlanstvu Sjedinjenih Država što su podržali projekt „Frisbee Beyond Borders“ i omogučili jednu ovakvu radionicu (a biti će ih još 3). Zahvaljujem se također udruzi Ne-ovisnost na odličnom gostoprimstvu i aktivnom zalagnju na samoj radionici.

Radionicu su vodili: Ognjen Livada, Nevenka Mazić, Marina Đurković i Filip Orehovec.

Samo neka leti!

Ognjen Livada

- 12:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 07.08.2011.

Chicks Chicks Chicks Chicks Chep!

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U subotu 16.07.2011. pet entuzijasta (Čep, Sticky, Marta, Ana i Ines) krenulo je via Zadra kako bi se malo odmorili, ali i podučili naše zadarske prijatelje frizbiju.

Nakon tri i pol sata drndanja u busu :))) stigli smo u Zadar i odmah potražili plažu da se bacimo u more. Došli smo do plaže Kolovare i utaborili se pod drvetom. Tamo se održavao turnir u rukometu na pijesku pa smo i mi odmah poželjeli igrati malo frizbi na pijesku, ali nažalost za tu subotu teren je bio zauzet cijeli dan.

Nakon uživancije na plaži, kupanja, kartanja i bacanja frizbija došao je trenutak da odemo do terena gdje nas je željno iščekivala ekipa iz Zadra. Spremno smo uzeli naše stvari, obukli se za trening i sa kartom u rukama krenuli u potragu za terenom.

Nakon pola sata hoda (i gubljenja po Kauflandu) našli smo terene. Upoznali smo se sa Zadranima i krenuli sa treningom.

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Počeli smo s bacanjima, a potom je i uslijedila utakmica Zadar vs. Zagreb. Mogu reći da je to bila vrlo zanimljiva utakmica. Jako puno dobrih poteza s njihove strane, ali ipak je naše iskustvo u igranju prevagnulo u našu korist. Sa malim zakašnjenjem stigli su i Frki i Goran s partijanja na Zrću. Nakon toga smo se međusobno pomiješali te igrali skroz dok nije pao mrak. Svi smo se borili za svaki poen, za svaki ulov diska. Bilo je predivno vidjeti toliko novih ljudi kako sa žarom trče prema disku. :)))

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Umirali smo od vrućine i nedostatka vode, ali svi smo završili trening sa velikim osmjehom na licu. Nakon treninga smo se dogovorili da ćemo sutra ujutro odraditi trening na pijesku prije nego ga ponovo rukometaši zauzmu, a potom smo se razišli.

Nas petero je otišlo na večeru, a potom potražiti neko mirnije mjesto za spavanje. Vratili smo se na plažu, malo bacali frizbi i radili spačke te zatim krenuli na spavanje. Mislili smo da ćemo mi biti jedini koji spavaju na plaži no bilo je još dosta ljudi. Svi smo bili pomalo skeptični što se tiče spavanja no to je bilo stvarno jedno neponovljivo i nezaboravno iskustvo. (Ako već niste svakako isprobajte :)).

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Sunce nas je probudilo u ranu zoru. Bili smo malo lijeni ustat se, ali smo znali da u 8 sati moramo biti na terenu, ako želimo igrati frisbee.

U početku smo igrali dva na dva. Sa strane nas je promatralo mnoštvo igrača i trenera rukometa te smo ih uspjeli nagovoriti da nam se pridruže u igri. Bili su oduševljeni. Oko 9 sati došli su i Zadrani. Tek onda je uslijedio pravi ultimate. To je nama Zagrepčanima bila super priprema za Balaton koji je bio odmah vikend poslije. Nakon sat vremena neprestane igre morali smo prepustiti teren rukometašima, a mi smo odmah potražili hlađenje u moru.
Ostatak dana proveli smo gledajući utakmice, kupajući se i razgledavajući Zadar. Navečer smo krenuli kući busom.

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Bio je to jedan super vikend i nadamo se se ponovnom susretu s Pijatom.

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- 12:15 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 08.04.2011.

Frizbi u Poreču

Upravo sam se vratio iz Poreča s velikim osmjehom na licu. U sklopu Svjetskog dana zdravlja u organizaciji Zdravog grada Poreča i Grada Poreča imao sam čast predstaviti ultimate frizbi porečkim srednjoškolcima i nastavnicima. Ali to nije sve. Teorijsko znanje mladići i djevojke su u kratkom vremenu pretvorili u čistu praksu jurnjave plastičnog diska na nogometnom stadionu pored škole. Zbog njihovog žara i entuzijazma sve si mislim kako će se uskoro ovaj stadion zvati: frizbi stadion.

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Organizacija je bila na nivou. Nakon kratke prezentacije, objašnjavanja pravila i osnovnog pokazivanja bacanja srednjoškolce smo podijelili u dva tima (po školama). Ostalo je povijest.

U narednih sat vremena odigrane su tri utakmice. Prvo su se sučelili dečki. Kvaliteta igre je svakom minutom bila sve bolja i bolja. Opak meč pun trke. Ekipa u zelenim majicama je odnijela uvjerljivu pobjedu.

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Zatim je slijedio susret ratnica. Cure su odigrale napetu utakmicu, punu preokreta i neizvjesnosti. Na kraju je rezultat bio nerješen.

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Šlager na kraju. Mješovita igra. Cure i dečki zajedno u timu. Puno trke. Puno želje i truda. Iznenadio sam se razinom i kvalitetom igre. Da je netko snimao kamerom utakmice očigledno bi se mogao vidjeti napredak. Sve u svemu pravi raj za ultimate frizbi oči. Iako manje važno, ali za one znatiželjne, zelene majice opet odnose pobijedu.

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Samo je pitanje vremena kada ćemo u Poreču vidjeti novi ultimate klub. Držim fige da se to dogodi što prije.

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Ognjen Livada

- 16:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 17.12.2010.


This was the first tournament ever that this new young team has ever went to. There were 12 teams alltogether from Slovenia (Frizmi 1, Frizmi 2, Frizmi 3, Cosmo – disk, Vertigo , Ko – met), Austria (BBears, Twisted friends, Augartner, Stack overflow), Hungary (Hallod) and our new team from Croatia.

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First we played the C group with Vertigo, Frizmi 2 and Bbears.

FDKK – FRIZMI 2 - 8 : 3

First game ever started with a boom. Frizmi 2 is a team that was made up from a couple of experienced players that have been doing this for a long time and from „begginers“ that have been playing for a while, most of them from faculty for kineziology. They made beginner mistakes like rushing it, running wildly and throwing crazy. We on the other hand, although we are also begginer team, did not and this game I think set a tone for the whole tournament and that tone was that we will play smart and secure even if we are total beginners, something that good teams do.

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VERTIGO – FDKK - 10 : 2

First beating. This was expected in a way because Vertigo doesnt make mistakes and punishes the ones that you make. This is exactly what we did in the first game and now it was done to us. This wasnt a surprise especially when we take into consideration that Vertigo played in the finals this tourney. The most important thing that we took from this game is that sometimes you lose but that is no reason to break as a team, it is just a way to see what you are doing wrong and try to make it right.

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FDKK – BBEARS - 4 : 7

Last game of the group. Bears are a team that is playing a couple of zone defences and they do it very well. Our team, like before every game ,had a meeting in which we discussed what and how to do in the upcoming game. We agreed what we did good and how to continue doing it and what we did wrong in the past games and how to improve it. We lost this game but it has really profiled our team as an unusually calm and serious begginer team . We had a couple of leads and Beras were forced to change their tactics and zone defence because we were going through the middle like through butter. We lack knowledge and tactics and we felt that after Bears changed their tactics but yet again this team did not stop trying until the end.

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So with one win and two loses we ended third in our group and would play the middle pools with Twisted friends and KO-MET.


After pretty good groups plays and a our first win on a tournamet we tried to rest and go on as though nothing so far has happened. We discussed our good sides and mistakes and what tactics we would use rof the game. We expected to play another team because we actually didnt read the results well so we were quite surprised when Twisted friends showed up to play against us. This was a team that should have come to the tourney but nobody made it except a guy and a girl, both very experienced and athletic players that were helped by best slovenian girls. Although girls, this team was a real test for our team, first serious test on the tournament because we wanted to win, we knew we could win but we didnt know how. These girls are among the best female players in the region and they didnt take any prisoners especially against our younger players. A very hard and nervous game that went on to game point. And this I think was the turning stone that made this team great. Game point is somethnig that decides the game and somethnig that is decided by pure experience, cold head and good decisions. I could not believe that this young team stood tall through out the whole game even when we made huge mistakes and then went on to win the game point. Heart and will that is needed to do something like this is rarely found in far more experienced and older teams and players and is something you need musch time to accomplish and get, but this team had it and on that account we took our second ever win. Magnificent.

KO-MET – FDKK 6 : 7

Our peak and pride. KO-MET is a new team from Slovenia but with not new players. They have 4 very experienced players and a couple of players that have been playing for years but as this team. Our far best game in which all our good sides have come together and in which we showed what this team is made of. I couldnt believe that so young players with no experience at all make so little mistakes. It is not that our team did spectaculatr throws, layouts and so on but we did all the little things right, just like a very experienced team. Our cutters did not rush when they got the disc, if they had a clear throw up filed they did it, if not they would fake out their defender and throw a safe pass and so on. New guys on the handles did the same, it was one safe swing after another until there was a clear pass to te cutter. A beautiful thing to see, like you are watching people that are doing this for years and know exactly what they can do, how they can do it and when to do it. Its a skill that you learn that longest time and one which you forget once you get into your first tourney because of the tension. This did not happen to this team and again we made it to game point and again we prevailed, truly incredible. The best team that we won against for sure and a real ultimate game and experience for the whole team – a new hope is on the horizon. That concludes a day made in heaven for FDKK. Three wins and two loses AND A CHANCE TO PLAY FOR THE 5TH PLACE, something we didnt even dare to dream of. We were really happy and it showed on every step of our way. We had a great party with dancing and celebrating the great success.

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This was a truly Sunday game one ;) As Ive said so far this team has proved itself as a fully rounded ultimate frisbee team from begginig to the end and this game was no different. We were a bit „tired“ from the night before but that didnt stop us from trying like hell to beat this very experinced team from Austria. It was a really Sunday game fom the book. We were playing excellent but just could not catch the disk in the goal zone, we dropped I think like 5 or 6 goals. But hey this is frisbee and those things happen. Writing this down now I see that from now on I can no longer write about this team as a begginer team so no excuses were made for our mistakes. Just constructive criticism and keeping our head high for the game for 7th place.

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Last game of the tournament and the day was just another thrilling acomplishment and a dot to a unforgetable tourney. Augartner is a new team with old players, no begginers there only very very experienced players. They started blazing but we didint give up. The whole game they were up by 2 or 3 points but that didnt stop us from playing our game and focusing how to do the things we agreed throughout the whole tourney. And then the proof that FDKK has everything needed to become a great team. It was 6:3 for Augartner and only 8 minutes till the end. We took a time out and told ourselves ok, forget about the result its a new 8 minute game ,one in which we have a chance of winning as much as them. And then it started, we went on a 4- 1 run with our last point scored after the time went out and it was 7-7 – game point. After a couple of turnovers they managed to score but what we achieved was like winning the first place. To come back with a totally new team against old foxes like augartners was cream on top of the cake the whole tourney was. It was a statement that these only appear to be new and unexperienced players but truly this is a team that will NEVER give up, that has HEART to keep going always, that has the HEAD not to break when it is hard or when it is easy nd that sticks together. I personally think never seen before.

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I could write so many things more about the team and the players and reading what I wrote I see that I could only cover a tiny bit of the good things that went on on this tournament. I could write a whole page about each and every player and their contribution but there is no need. You were all great and such a thrill and enjoyment to play with. Please keep it on just like this and you will succed.

- 13:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 08.11.2010.

Buje UFO

12. i 13. lipnja u gostoljubivom istarskom gradiću Buje, po prvi puta je održan Ultimate Frisbee Open (UFO) kamp u organizaciji Flying Disc Kluba Zagreb i udruge ZiiD. Na okupu su se ponovo našli frizbijaši FDKZ-a, FDKK-a, slovenskog FRIZMI-a te austrijskog kluba B|Bears.

FDKZ udruženi s austrijskim B|Bears-ima će pod zagrebačkim imenom sudjelovati na Svjetskom klupskom ultimate frizbi prvenstvu (WUCC 2010 Prague). Nakon "Frizbi Beyond Borders" vikenda u Strmcu (17. i 18. travnja.), u sklopu priprema za svjetsko prvenstvo, organiziran je i kamp u Bujama.

Sudionici su pristigli u petak u večernjim satima. Nakon smještaja je slijedilo ugodno druženje, a poletio je i koji frizbi za laku noć. Ljubazni domaćini rado su poveli sve budne i zainteresirane u prijatni noćni obilazak grada, kao i u posjet gradu umjetnika, čarobnom srednjovjekovnom gradiću Grožnjanu.

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U subotu ujutro, nakon doručka, igrači su se okupili na terenima NK Buje spremni za trening. S jedne strane održavao se veoma intenzivan trening našeg te slovenskog tima koji će nastupiti na prvenstvu, a s druge strane ipak malo opušteniji trening nas ostalih igrača (od početnika do naprednijih). Nakon zagrijavanja i grupnih vježbi, podijelili smo se u ekipe i s guštom zaigrali ultimate. Napredniji igrači su kroz vježbe i igru savjetovali manje iskusne igrače, prenosili svoja znanja i iskustva.

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Među ostalim, s ovim su se nesvakidašnjim sportom imali priliku upoznati svi zainteresirani posjetitelji, što su u ovom slučaju bila djeca, bujski srednjoškolci i grupa gradskih vijećnika i političara. U sklopu kampa organizirano je kratko predavanje o pravilima igre, kao i sama igra za djecu i političare. Usprkos jakom podnevnom suncu svi su sa užitkom naganjali leteći disk. Grupa vijećnika i političara, na čelu s gradonačelnikom Edijem Andreašićem i njegovom zamjenicom Mariannom Jelicich Buić, bila je odlično raspoložena i motivirana. Ozarena dječja lica, fair play i zajedništvo političara iz različitih stranaka također su bili pokazatelji kako je kamp u Bujama opravdao očekivanja.

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Ana Pelko iz bujskog ZiiDa je objasnila kako je cilj bio sugrađanima predstaviti i popularizirati ovaj zasad još neprofesionalni sport, namijenjen svima, bez obzira na dob, spol i tjelesnu građu. Njegovim bi se organiziranim bavljenjem, možda i u sklopu škola, doprinijelo sprečavanju nasilja među djecom i mladima.

S obzirom da nas sunce nije nimalo štedilo, nakon pošteno odrađenih treniga u popodnevnim smo se satima ukrcali u aute i raspjevani krenuli put mora. Bilo je to zasluženo osvježenje, relaksacija i naravno, ovog puta slani leteći frizbi.

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Po povratku s mora predvečer nas je dočekao bogat i jako ukusan roštilj. Nakon večere druženje se spontano prebacilo na teniske terene odmah uz nogometni teren. UFO tennis party! Ah, taj nemirni sportski duh.. S reketom u ruci, u kasnim noćnim satima, neki su otkrili svoje skrivene teniske talente. Drugi ih pak još nisu uspijeli otkriti, što je dakako, za sobom povuklo otkrivanje nekih komičarskih talenata. Smijeh i zabava do sitnih jutarnjih sati, povratak svojim šatorima i vrećama za spavanje, te UFO dan drugi.

U nedjelju ujutro opet nas je dočekao doručak bez premca. Potom smo se okupili na istom mjestu kao i dan prije – trening na terenima. I ovog puta igrači koji ne prisustvuju svjetskom prvenstvu radili su grupne vježbe i međusobno zaigrali. Timovi FDKZ i FRIZMI koji prisustvuju prvenstvu nakon zagrijavanja i vježbi, kao već poznati rivali, odigrali su očekivanu utakmicu. Utakmica je bila jako dobra, iako je zagrebačko-austrijski tim izgubio 17:10. FRIZMI je već dugo odlično uhodana ekipa, dok su Zagrepčani i Austrijanci imali rijetke prilike za zajedničke treninge i utakmice. Ali, pokazali su da se formiraju u jedan složniji tim te da optimizam, međusobno razumijevanje i poštivanje svakako vode naprijed.

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Nakon drugog dana treninga već pomalo iscrpljene i omamljene suncem, domaćini su nas počastili neočekivanim roštiljom za ručak. Skidamo im kapu! Pozdravili smo se sa našim dragim Austrijancima i Slovencima, i s obzirom da nismo odoljeli čarima morskog osvježenja, prije povratka u Zagreb pravac more je bio neizbježan. Pješčana plaža u Umagu, jedan balunčić ’ picigin. Veselo društvo u morskom krugu se sa sve više hrabrosti i žara bacalo za balunčićem.. hm, picigin se čini dobrom taktikom za oslobađanje straha od layout-a :).

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I onda je došlo vrijeme da krenemo dalje.. neki od nas su stali na kratki obilazak bajkovitog Motovuna te zadovoljno nastavili prema Zagrebu.
Ako mene pitate, odličan vikend!
Zahvaljujemo gradonačelniku Buja Ediju Andreašiću, dogradonačelnici Marianni Jelicich Buić i Turističkoj zajednici grada Buja, te brojnim volonterima i sponzorima što su omogućili Bujski UFO. Nadamo se da će to postati tradicionalni međunarodni kamp (pa i turnir) i privući što brojniju publiku svih generacija!

Do sljedećeg viđenja u Bujama, ultimate!

- 22:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 05.07.2010.

Latest updates of FDK Zagreb in Prague - WUCC 2010.

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Game 1 vs. Quiet Coyote (U.S.A.): 3-17
FDK Zagreb arrived in Prague on Saturday afternoon after 8+ hours of
travel, multiple stops, multiple maps. Iva and Inga had a particularly
arduous trek, stopping in Graz for six hours of shopping. The team was
well rested and enjoyed a lovely breakfast spread to energize us for
our first match up. Coyote started on offense and quickly showed us
that they were capable of throwing swings without error. They scored
the first point but FDKZ was not about to fold. We quickly replied
with an accurate huck from Gregor to Luky. For a brief moment, we were
tied with Coyote, a feat we didn’t expect to accomplish. Despite our
initial success, we were only able to score two more points during the
rest of the game. Dario and Vid worked the disc upfield in a give-and-
go and then Vid caught a tough hammer in the back left hammer. Markus
came down with a disc in the end zone thrown by Vjeran. The large
point differential, 17-3, was mainly a result of errors on our part.
We had moments of excellent passes, give and go, as well as hucks, but
were unable to put it all together consecutively. Our defense seemed
rather flat with the exception of Vjeran’s layout-D in the second
half. Gregor received a Coyote hat at the conclusion of the game in
recognition of his outstanding throws. We enjoyed our first game,
especially the occasion for many players to match up against American
players for the first time.

Game 2 vs. Bologna (Italy): 11:16
A large contingent of the team spent time on our break watching our
competition in our pool. We witnessed in dismay as Italy frustrated
Japan with needless calls and bad spirit. Zagreb rallied before the
game, determined to play a clean game with Bologna. Bologna went up on
us 3-0 immediately and with Gregor suffering a knee injury, our
chances at winning looked pretty bleak. We were able to reply, scoring
four points in a row during the first half, tying the score 6-6. We
were also tied at 9-9. However, the bad spirit from Italy was
overwhelming and contributed to our ultimate defeat. Andrea was named
MVP and received a kilo of bologna for an overly flashy, high layout
in the second half, thrown by Vjeran.

Game 3 vs. Iku (Japan): 7-17
This Japanese team was super quick; they used this to their advantage
in throwing a classical 3-3-1 zone on us for most of the day. A heavy
thunderstorm the night before left the fields wet and a little slick.
The zone forced the handlers to swing up to four handlers across the
entire field. Numerous times the team was able to work the disc up to
the red zone but were overly anxious and couldn’t score. At the end of
the first half the score was 1-9. Zagreb was able to pull it together
during the second half with a number of scores in a row. Vid had two
assists: the first was a backhand to Zivac and the second was a hammer
to Andrea “Americans don’t know how to throw/catch hammers” Henkel.
Vid then scored on a forehand I/O from Dario. Spirit was super high
during the game – we even enjoyed a wonderful cheer with the Japanese
group, including “rowers, drummers, shakers, and singers”. Iva P and
Dario were named MVPs and received a Japanese Kit Kat bar and a hat,
respectively. We were quite pleased at the final score given the fact
this team is ranked fifth in the tournament.

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Game 4 vs. Thundering Herd (England): 5-17
This team came out strong and fast, especially the women. Zagreb
worked to switch up defenses to mess up their game but they proved
capable of working with zone or man D. During the second half, there
was a lovely continuation up the line Iva J to Andrea to Sokey to Iva
J deep. We missed Vid as he was in the hospital after being cleated in
the ribs during the game against Japan. With Gregor out as well,
Vjeran took on a solid handling position. Markus threw a full-field
huck to Dario in the endzone who skied the British opponent but in the
end, this team was superior to us in athleticism. Sokey and Andrea
were named MVPs from the British team and were tattooed on the forearm
with a Thundering Herd bull.

Game 5 vs. Blue Arse Flies (England): 9-17
Pools were rearranged after the first two days of competition and
Zagreb, finding itself without a win, was placed in the lower bracket
– top possible rank now is 21st. Blue Arse Flies was originally seeded
17th but lost in a close match on Monday. Their frustration about that
loss was evident as they entered the field on Tuesday morning. England
called many fouls and yelled at their own teammates throughout the
match. Zagreb was able to capitalize on this frustration early on in
the game and even scored the first point in a huck from Gregor to
Lukey. England responded in this slight up-wind, down-wind game with a
similar huck over our zone. Zagreb scored the first up-wind point in a
huge huck from Vjeran to Andrea who continued with a bladey forehand
into the endzone to Hannes. The teams traded points for a while as we
found that our women could beat their women in match ups so we
proceeded to isolate the Zagreb women in the endzone. Andrea made two
corner cuts from the stack for scores, both thrown by Gregor . England
switched from man to zone as the wind started to pick up. Gregor,
Vjeran and SIgi handled the pressure from the cup with ease and Zagreb
was still able to work the disc down to the red zone. A few
overzealous passes resulted in turnovers that the Arse Flies used to
their advantage. Half time was called at 50 minutes and the score was
6-7. The second half definitely went to England. As they stepped up
their game, we tried our best to bring ours up as well. Sokey, Markus,
Gregor and Andrea all had layout D attempts but were unsuccessful at
preventing the Arse Flies from progressing the disc. It was Iva J who
had an impressive four Ds in the game. We continued to make the
defense work as the handlers swung the disc up the field. Gregor
threaded the disc through the cup to an open Mirna. The game concluded
on amicable terms as Gregor and Andrea were awarded MVP gifts of
wristbands and CDs from the British team.

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Game 6 vs. Ah Ouh Puc (France): 7-15
Zagreb came out well rested to this game as it was the first day in
which the team did not have an 8:30 game. The extra energy was evident
as the team went up 7-3 in the first half in the stadium fields.
Gregor hit Andrea in the corner during an isolation play. Isi then
had an impressive hammer catch in the endzone and then received a huck
the following point near the endzone and threw the assist. Our zone
proved effective in the first half as we were able to cause a lot of
turnovers and even some active Ds. Andrea, as a marker in the 3-3-1
modern zone, finished off the first half with an active D on a swing
between handlers then scored the point. This excitement, however, was
quickly dashed when the France started to make a comeback at the end
of the first half. The half concluded 7-6. The second half was a
disaster for Zagreb: the team couldn’t manage to make more than a
throw or two consecutively. France quickly ran away with the game to
our dismay. Jan and Iva J were named MVPs and received Paris thongs
from the French team.

Game 7 vs. Ahau Ik (Mexico): 11-12
Such bitter disappointment from the morning’s game left a winless
Zagreb a little anxious about this game. Ahau Ik proved to be a very
athletic team, especially the men. They actively D-ed many of our
discs with quick run-throughs or layouts. Vjeran had a number of
midfield hucks that put the team within scoring distance. Chrissy and
Francie also had excellent games, both moving the disc up-field with
ease. Vjeran, usually a handler, made a cut long to receive a hammer
in the endzone in a stunning dive/roll. When time was called, the
score was 7-10, so the game would be played to 12. Zagreb rallied with
incredible force. Andrea made a sweet layout catch in the endzone for
a score then Markus beat out two Mexicans in the air to snag another
point. The game was tied at 11-11, last point, universe point. Some
confusion over what defense was being played left Zagreb vulnerable
and the Mexican team was able to run away with the last point. Ahau Ik
named Vid and Andrea as MVPs, passing out Mexican bracelets and
chocolate to them. The then circulated a bottle of tequila which the
team was aptly able to finish with each player taking a few gulps.

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Game 8 vs. G.H.D. (Belarus): 9-17
The game started with G.H.D. going up 3-0 in decisive breaks. Andrea
made a layout D on the opposing endzone but Zagreb was still unable to
punch the disc into the endzone. Francie had an excellent game and
scored two points, one nearly a simple hand off in the endzone. It was
clear that our women were superior so we tried to switch up offense so
that the women would cut and the men would handle. The score was 3-9
at half. In a desperate attempt to clean up the offense, Gregor
separated the team into FDKZ and BBears. Dario received a full-field
huck from Vjeran for a point then Andrea scored making a corner cut
and receiving a disc thrown by Markus. The division of the team
brought out several offenses and defenses that each team individually
knew how to run. Sokey made a crucial layout D that was then converted
quickly into a huck downfield for a score. At the end, however,
Zagreb’s rallying effort was not enough to beat the Belarusians. Sokey
and Andrea were named MVPs by G.H.D. and received Belarusian doll

Author&photos: Andrea

- 22:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 13.03.2010.

Solar Cup 2010 Blog

Tournament Blog

It was a dark and foggy night, as the FDKZ squad rolled down that long highway towards our date with either destiny or infamy. We had unparalleled unity of purpose and a laser like focus on our goal, which was to achieve the Frisbee equivalent of the Chinese-basket-trick. After a quick detour to Ikea™, in which most of us paid a small fortune to be sickened by Swedish pickled fish in cream sauce while our fearless leader outfitted his new apartment with cheap yet stylish kitchenware, we found the correct series of twists and turns that led us to our weekend home. Solar cup 2010, hold onto your jock ‘cause Zagreb is “in-da-house”.

Due to our early departure, the team scored the second best sleeping arrangement of any team. Our room had it all, a toilet, showers, and even motion-activated lighting! Now there could be no excuses for our performance, just explanations that attempt to disguise reality. As we drifted towards sleep, we ignored the brutal stench wafting from the corner of the room and visualized the glory that was to come.

Play began with a round one matchup against the Polar Bears. It was a fierce and evenly matched struggle. We fell down 0-2, then fought back to tie it at 2-2. Jan was the man of the match catching two scores. As the final bell indicated the end of time, we had a 5-4 lead. One must give credit to the Polar Bears for fighting back as they found an open player in the endzone for the tying score. It is said that a tie is like kissing your sister- it’s not bad, but nothing to brag about to your friends. And so it was with our opening round match.

Round two began with a sense of optimism and unity. When the tournament began the team was without a coach, but collectively the group seemed to unconsciously look towards Frki. Although no underwear model, he is quite flexible and has a gift for strategy. Truly a unique thinker, Frki decided that we might play a zone at one point in the tournament, but not this game. This brilliant battlefield decision and strong play from Marta and Sticky, saw us achieve a solid 6-4 victory against SPIN. We truly deserved our post-game snack after this one.

Round three saw us reach our peak in the standings. We were technically undefeated and we were then given second seed. This decision was as wise as buying stock in Enron and brought us crashing to earth faster than the musical career of Vanilla Ice. We were sent like lambs to the slaughter to face the top seed Catchup. The game began deceptively, being tied 2-2. Their defense was suffocating and their offence unstoppable. It was a learning experience and the lesson was as harsh as the first time you learned that fire was hot. 10-2 final and very little to smile about.

Round four was a test of endurance as several of the players had nagging soreness issues and even mild swine-flu. Our competition failed to show us any mercy and we were soundly beaten by the Mosquitos, 8-3. Their players could all throw long and perfectly placed hammers and our defense could not adapt. On the bright side, Ruki stepped up with some inspired defensive plays against their tall and fast cutters.

The round five game felt like being in the bottom of a well. It was cold and dark, but there was light above and we knew we had to try and get there. Standing in our way was the familiar foe, the Grizzly Bears. We knew what they were going to do and they knew what we were going to do, so it came down to execution. Both teams played strong defense and there were several very long points. We gave it our best effort and ended with a 6-6. This tie was better than the first, as we were one point down at the end of time and scored to even the match. So I guess this type of tie is more akin to kissing your step-sister.

Day two began with the team on the outside looking in. Our defeats the previous day, combined with the large difference in points scored meant that we had to win our sixth round game to have any chance of being in the metal round. The team rallied to the occasion with a solid 6-4 victory over Undiscovered. This game saw the emergence of Zvat as a deep threat and Bruno as a master marker. Our defense was inspired as we forced them into bad throws and made strong blocks. Offensively, we had effective handling from Mirna and clean center cuts from Iva to lead the way.

Round seven saw our return into the championship bracket. As the eight seed, we were paired against the top seed, Catchup. To prepare for their tight zone, we installed the “new play” to free up space for the handlers. Without having practiced the play we knew it was going to be rough, but no one expected the slaughter that ensued. Our offence struggled to move the disk and defensively we could not stop them. Their entire team could make every throw and their speed could not be matched. A 13-3 final and the low point of morale during the tournament.

With two rounds to go, the team needed a mental boost. It was suggested that we would make a conscious effort to forget about mistakes and bad play. We needed a fresh start, to turn a new leaf, to flush the tank of our minds. And so we came out the gate and charged into competition with renewed sense of our own abilities. A rematch against Grizzly Bears and a chance to play for fifth place hung in the balance. We gave it all we had, we held nothing back, yet we lost 6-5 in overtime. Unfortunate and disappointing, but still a learning experience that will help the team in tournaments to come.

The final game of Solar cup 2010, saw FDKZ playing for 7th place against the Polar Bears. The frustration of having come close several times was lingering on our collective tongues and left an unquenchable bitter taste. The only thing we would accept was complete victory. We knew that there could be no negotiations or treaty as we wanted blood. We went zone defense, but with a twist, one man in the cup and two chasers blocking the dump. This was a huge risk, as it left us exposed deep, but it was all-or-nothing at this stage and we went for it. Their offence could not cope with our defensive pressure, and Frki scored three goals on route to our most complete victory of the tournament, 6-2.

Alls well that ends well and so it goes, like the waves of the sea, rolling on and on, and on again- forever.

- 19:11 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 27.10.2009.

The show must go on - Kimle, Hungary

It was a moist, muggy morning. But the show must go on… and during game one against
Whoever (Czech Republic) the show began with team Zagreb taking the lead on a long
pass from Jan to Ana. This was deceiving, however, as the Boom would soon be lowered
on our unprepared game plan. A defensive switch to zone threw a monkey in the works,
the wheels came off, and we skidded into the rubbish heap of Frizbism. Our defence
failed to set effective marks and we forgot how to throw and catch the disk. That combined
with three dropped points sent us to a disappointing 4-11 result.

Game two against the B Bears was a lesson in humility. Zone defence killed our disk
movement effectively. Three dropped points and lack-lustre defence doomed us to 2-8,
with no mercy.

Game three against Hallod marked the greatest comeback since Meat Loaf’s Bat out of
Hell II: Back into Hell. A change in offensive strategy and a vigorous pep talk from our
coach and Guru, Dario, led to a solid 11-7 victory. It gave us the inner strength and
confidence that seemed to radiate from above. It was an old fashion butt-kicking as we
vented our frustration over the previous two losses. Offensively, Gabor was FDKZ’s
version of John Stockton, dishing out four assists, while catching one score. Chie had
an excellent game in the center, cutting and slicing more often than a teppanyaki chef.
Good defense was the cherry on top of this morale boosting triumph as our players had
seven blocks during the match.

Game four, a 7-10 loss against the Terrible Monkeys was not what you really want.
On the positive, we were able to move the disk and score. On the negative six bad
passes and four problem defensive plays stifled our attempts to maintain momentum.
Gabor again continued to dish out assists, with four, and Chie was in the end zone
early and often, with four scores. In the words of coach in his classic post game
breakdown, “we lost, but at least we lost OK”. With hopes

Game five sent our dreams of greatness crashing to the earth. FUJ was simply in another class. After quickly jumping to a 2-0 lead they put on white lab coats. The knee-length outfits did nothing to reduce their large speed advantage as they threw deep more often than Terry Bradshaw. As they built their lead towards their eventual 8-2 final, they seemed to relax and have real fun, knowing that we posed no real threat.

A night of drinking and general debauchery, punctuated by periods of memory loss and emotional outbursts, preceded game six against Hungarian Co-Ed. This was a classic back and fourth game against two evenly matched clubs. Offensively, Chie and Gabor starred again, while defensively Petja treated us to several spectacular interceptions and Frki became relevant with a clutch defensive series. This game required everyone to dig deep and lay it on the table. Not surprisingly, injuries became a problem as both Petja and Vjeko went down with leg injuries. This game was a true test of will power and concentration as our offence had to endure three travelling calls, all right after turnovers that resulted in their defence having time to regroup. We would not lose our focus or our resolve, even when time expired with a 10-10 score. In extra time, both teams had chances and great defensive plays, but in the end the best team won- FDKZ, 11-10.

Game seven saw our team playing for the 9th place certificate against that familiar if friendly foe, B Bears. Both teams were tired, sore, angry, and frustrated with depleted rosters due to injury. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and on this windy and grey day the B bears were forced to eat humble pie as our defence thoroughly dominated the day. Dario was the offensive star while Vjeran had several quality defensive plays that prevented any offensive continuity on their part. We scored early and often, turning a 2-2 tie into a 7-2 lead within a critical 15 minute segment of the game. With the outcome assured, we continued to play hard knowing that this is how we improve our game and hone our skills. With the end of play, the team was elated with a 10-5 victory and all the associated honour and glory. The show must go on…and it did, serving as testament to Man’s resilience and as evidence of the eternal persistence of hope.

Gordon Max Stewart

Girls: Marta Mrak, Chie Oshima, Ana Kriste, Mirna Janković, Lilla Tőkés
Boys: Dario Hanaftaler, Jan Kotevski,Vjeran Pavlaković, Gabor Boross, Tomislav Frković, Prán István - Petya, Vjekoslav

- 01:08 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 24.09.2009.

Scoops Camp u Zagrebu

Nakon još jednog uspješno održanog ultimate frizbi 3Scoops3 kampa donosimo intervju s voditeljem kampa. Međunarodno priznati trener Grega Connellya poznat pod nadimkom “Scoops” igra ultimate frizbi već 29 godina i uzor je mnogim igračima i trenerima diljem svijeta.

12. i 13. rujna na terenima NK Sava Strmec, Sv. Nedjelja okupilo se 40-ak sudionika iz Slovenije, Austrije, Češke i Hrvatske. Kamp je organizirao jedini hrvatski ultimate frizbi klub Flying Disc Klub Zagreb. Ovo je druga godina da je kamp održan u Hrvatskoj, a Connelly održava slične kampove diljem Sjeverne Amerike, Europe i Azije.

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Kamp je pružio priliku svim igračima da od vrsnog trenera koji je ove godine američku momčad doveo do zlatne medalje na svjetskim igrama u Tajvanu nauče sve što ih zanima o ultimate frizbiju. Uz grupne vježbe, dio vremena igrači su proveli podijeljeni u dvije skupine: početnici i napredni igrači. Tako je svaki igrač imao mogućnost unaprijediti svoju igru.

Uz to kamp je bio izvrsna prilika za upoznavanje, igru i razmjenu iskustava s igračima iz drugih timova, iz drugih zemalja. Connelly je svojim prepoznatim trenerskim sposobnostima prenio svoje znanje na svakog igrača – od početnika preko naprednijih igrača pa sve do trenera, koji će iskoristiti stečeno znanje u narednoj godini.

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Evo kako je Greg Connelly “Scoops” odgovorio na naša pitanja.

O ultimate frizbiju

Ovaj se sport može opisati kao mješavina američkog nogometa (zbog dvije gol zone u kojima se postiže zgoditak u slučaju da igrač u napadu u njoj uhvati frizbi), košarke (jer se igrač s frizbijem ne smije micati) i nogometa (jer čim tim koji je u napadu izgubi frizbi, tim koji je do tad bio u obrani uzima frizbi i kreće u napad). Igra je vrlo brza, zahtjeva popriličnu fizičku kondiciju zbog mnogo trčanja, ali je i vrlo zabavna. Uzajamno poštovanje među igračima očituje se i na terenu gdje vlada natjecateljska atmosfera i izvan terena gdje se igrači međusobno druže, podupiru se i savjetuju.

O priznatosti ultimate frizbija

Iako mnogo ljudi još nije upoznato s ovim sportom, sport je u SAD-u priznat. Pravila igre koja postoje, trener i struktura čine sport legitimnim. U Europi se sport sve više razvija i igrači puno rade na promociji i popularizaciji sporta i iz godine u godinu vidljiv je velik pomak.

O povijesti igranja i treniranja ultimate frizbija

Odrastao sam u Philadelphiji i imao priliku igrati u mnogim sveučilišnim i klupskim timovima diljem Istočne obale. Neko sam vrijeme živio i igrao u Europi, gdje sam upoznao mnogo igrača iz središnje Eeurope. Trenirao sam klubove u Aziji, Europi i Sjevernoj Americi. Neko je vrijeme živio u Vancouveru gdje je i trenirao jedan klub.

O klupskim i sveučilišnim timovima u SAD-u

U SAD-u treenutno postoji oko 1000 klupskih timova, koji uključuju open tim (uglavnom muškarci), ženski tim (samo žene) i miješani tim (muškarci i žene). U velikim gradovima postoji oko 2-3 kluba, dok su ostali raspoređeni po manjim gradovima i mjestima. Veći klubovi se natječu i mnogo putuju kako bi prisustvovali na nacionalnim natjecanjima dok se manji klubovi natječu uglavnom na lokalnoj razini. Također postoji i oko 800 sveučilišnih timova od kojih su neki ozbiljniji, dok se ostali natječu samo na sveučilišnoj razini. Na sveučilištu postoji samo Open i ženski tim. Oko 30 - 40% igrača igra i za sveučilište i za klub I ta je brojka u stalnom porastu jer sport počinju trenirati sve mlađi i mlađi igrači..

O ulaganju u mlađe igrače

Ja sam počeo trenirati s 14 godina i tada sam bio uglavnom najmlađi igrač. Nacionalno državno tijelo ultimate frizbija UPA ulaže mnogo novaca i resursa u juniorski program, kojim žele privući što mlađe igrače da se počnu baviti ovim sportom. Tako se već djeca u srednjoj, čak i osnovnoj školi počinju baviti ultimate frizbijem.

O trenerima ultimate frizbija

Za svakog je trenera nužno odlično poznavanje pravila igre, važan je element i Spirit Of The Game, koji uči sudionike ovog sporta da poštuju igru i igrače. Zadnjih 5-6 godina postoji trenerski program, pomoću kojeg treneri putem priručnika i interneta mogu naučiti sve što trebaju znati o igri, ali i naučiti nove strategije i razmijeniti iskustva s drugim trenerima.

O sucima i promatračima

Jedna od stvari koja razlikuje ultimate frizbija od ostalih sportova je i činjenica da u ovom sportu nema sudaca. U zadnje vrijeme to se ponešto izmijenilo pa su tako u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu uveli suce, dok su u Americi na važnijim natjecanjima prisutni tzv. promatrači. Promatrači se uključuju u igru u onom trenutku kada se dogodi prekršaj i igrači ne mogu sami to riješiti. Tada se uključuje promatrač, koji objektivno razriješava nastalu situaciju. Dakle svih 14 igrača su suci i moraju dobro poznavati pravila i uzajamno se poštovati kako bi uspjeli riješiti sve prekršaje na terenu.

O Svjetskim igrama

Scoops je momčad SAD-a doveo do zlatne medalje, a osim njih sudjelovalo je još 5 timova: Japan, Australija, Kanda, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo i Tajvan. Ovo vrlo važno natjecanje održano je bez promatrača i sve je jako dobro funkcioniralo. Scoops kaže kako je bilo teško izabrati 13 najboljih igrača, koji će predstaviti zemlju na ovom natjecanju, no ispostavilo se da je ispravno odabrao.

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